- ktest is a Python-R package dedicated to kernel testing developed by Anthony Ozier-Lafontaine. Check the arxiv preprint!
- BoNesis is a Python-based environment for the synthesis and control of ensembles of Boolean networks from structural and dynamical properties, developed by Loïc Paulevé (LaBRI).
- scBoolSeq is a Python package for scRNA-Seq data binarisation and synthetic generation from Boolean dynamics, developed by Gustavo Magaña López (LaBRI). Check the bioRxiv preprint!
- Mapper-Optimization is a Python package for computing and optimizing Mapper visualizations of data. Check the arXiv preprint!
- Harissa is a Python package for stochastic simulation and statistical inference of gene regulatory networks from single-cell data, developped by Ulysse Herbach. Check out the presentation paper (also available on arXiv).