Franck Picard is a CNRS senior scientist, working in the LBMC lab, ENS Lyon. He is a member of the Systems Biology of Decision Making group. He is specialized in statistical learning, in Genomics and Single Cell Biology.
Chloe Audebert is an assistant professor at Sorbonne Université, in the math laboratory LJLL and in the computational and quantitative biology lab LCQB. Chloe Audebert is a biomathematician working on mathematical modeling of health problems with a focus on data integration and parameter estimation.
Laura Cantini
Mathieu Carrière is a Permanent Researcher in the DataShape team at Centre Inria d’Université Côte d’Azur. He works at the intersection of machine learning, deep learning and topological data analysis, with applications in computational biology and single-cell datasets.
Frédérique Clément is a senior scientist leading the MUSCA project-team in INRIA Saclay. She is specialized in multiscale mathematical modeling for developmental and reproductive biology.
Alice Cleynen
Fabien Crauste is a CNRS senior scientist at Université Paris Cité, laboratory MAP5. He is specialized in mathematical and computational modeling of cell differentiation processes, with a specific focus on the immune response.
Anton Crombach is a systems biologist using computer simulations, bioinformatic analyses, and maths to answer questions on the evolution and functioning of gene regulatory networks. Currently, he focuses on topics in the fields of neuro-evo-devo and cancer. He works as a permanent researcher at Inria, the French national research institute for the digital sciences.
Ghislain Durif is a CNRS research engineer at the Laboratory of Biology and Modeling of the Cell (LBMC) (ENS Lyon, France). He is a member of the Systems Biology of Decision Making (SBDM) team and of the BioComputing Hub at LBMC. He is specialized in statistics and machine learning applied to biology, especially for “omics” data analysis and integration.
Sara Fallet is a study engineer in Biostatistics at Inserm U1219 Bordeaux Population Health in the SISTM team.
Franck Simon is a Research Engineer sharing his time between the Curie Institute and the Pasteur Institute. He is specialized in causal discovery and focuses on how causal discovery methods, especially MIIC, can be used to uncover gene regulatory networks.
Mathilde Gaillard is a PhD student at IECL, co-supervised by Ulysse Herbach and Anne Gégout-Petit.
Olivier Gandrillon is a biologist by training and became a systems biologist thank’s to multiple interactions with non-biologists colleagues He leads the Systems Biology of Decision Making group and is a member of the MUSICS group.
Silvia Grigolon is a theoretical physicist by background interested in quantitative modelling and inference methods for the understanding of biological systems, more specifically morphogenesis. She is a CNRS research scientist at Laboratoire Jean Perrin at Sorbonne Université in Paris and member of the Stochastic Dynamics of reactive and living systems therein.
Boris Hejblum is a researcher in Biostatistics at Inserm U1219 Bordeaux Population Health in the SISTM team. His research focuses on the development of statistical methods for the analysis of longitudinal high-throughput biomedical data, in particular for stuying gene expression in human vaccine trials.
Ulysse Herbach is a researcher in applied mathematics at Inria in the SIMBA team, located at Institut Élie Cartan de Lorraine. He is specialized in stochastic modeling of gene expression, which takes into account the biological phenomenon of transcriptional bursting that strongly impacts single-cell data.
Hervé Isambert
Pawan Kumar is a postdoctoral researcher at Inria Saclay, working in the MUSCA team (Inria Saclay, Palaiseau). His research interests include mathematical modeling and numerical simulations of complex systems. Currently, his work focuses on modeling and simulating ovocyte development through the coupled dynamics of molecular and cellular behaviors.
Thomas Lepoutre is a junior permanent Inria researcher in Lyon (Institut Camille Jordan, Univ. Lyon 1). He is specialized in population dynamics with a specific interest for oncology.
Pierre Neuvial is a CNRS senior scientist working at Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse where he is a member of the Statistics and Optimization team and Math-Bio-Health group. He is specialized in high-dimensional statistical inference and multiple testing for genomics and neuromaging.
Thi Nhu Thao Nguyen is a postdoctoral researcher at CNRS, working at the LBMC (Lyon) and MAP5 (Paris). Her current work focuses on the modeling and simulation of tumor development based on the analysis of cancer immunohistochemistry (IHC) data.
Loïc Paulevé is a CNRS senior scientist working in the LaBRI lab at Université de Bordeaux. He is specialized in formal computational methods for modeling dynamics of biological systems, notably with the automatic design of Boolean networks from knowledge and quantitative data.
Thibaut Peyric is a PhD student at INRIA LYON, co-supervised by Anton Crombach and Thomas Guyet. He works on single cell multi omics data integration.
Elisabeth Remy is a CNRS senior scientist, working in the Mathematical Institute of Marseille (I2M). She is heading the Mathematics and algorithmics for Systems Biology team (MABioS). She is specialized in mathematical modeling of gene regulatory networks with the logical formalism, developing methods to improve the construction and analysis of large models to address concrete biological questions.
Théo Roncalli is a PhD student at LaBRI, co-supervised by Loïc Paulevé and Élisabeth Rémy.
Paul Sitoleux is a PhD student at Laboratoire Jean Perrin and the Laboratoire de Physique de l’ENS, under the supervision of Silvia Grigolon, Aleksandra Walczak, and Thierry Mora. His work focuses on the modeling of single-cell RNA-seq data from a statistical physics approach.
Paul Villoutreix